Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Having faith in God's plan

Those of you who've known me for a longer time might have noticed that I'm starting to change in my personality these past few months. Shared before in CG, that normally you have to know me for a long time (months at least) before I even start talking to you on my own initiative, even longer before I would call you (in my mind) a friend.

Realised that this trait of mine has almost disappeared, as evidenced by few days where we are studying together in E1A. Think this is one of the personality traits that I've carried with me from army.. cos in my job as a storeman the tendency is to be friends only to those that earned your trust.. otherwise end up getting "eaten". Physically I had ORDed long ago, yet my mind was still in the army.

No wonder Hanhui, my sower and first shephard kept on saluting me last time, haha.. (Bowen was also doing that for a period of time -_-)

I find it very significant that it is only after that I decided to commit to this community (as compared to the past two years+ where I was unstable) that I'm starting to change for the better. In every aspect of my life, I am starting to have a new perspective.

Realised what having faith in God means, and how much more powerful it is compared to human effort. Struggled like crazy to be more friendly to the people last time, end up very stressed and quiet every time I went for service. Nowadays 拍拍屁股 (pat backside a few times, to use ellson's phrase) and I find myself regarding that person as a friend already.

Coming to know God, and deciding to commit to this community, has really changed my life for the better. (The amazing part is that my walk with God has truly started only a few months back, imagine what can happen in the 50 more years ahead.) Will be a very rough time for me as I start to venture into rediscovered territories in my life, but as the Bible says ".. Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.." (Phil 3:13b)

.. If only.. I took the step of faith to commit earlier..

Jiayou all, for your exams.. =)

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