Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dr Chee and his antics

General Elections are around the corner, want to give my 2 cents worth.

In general I do respect people who run as Opposition Party members. You feel that there should be some Oppositional voice in the government to act as a check and balance to the ruling party? I can understand that sentiment - many countries are run that way. You actually care enough to want to step up and run for elections as the Opposition? I sincerely tip my hat to you. Strength of your convictions and all that.

It takes guts to run as Opposition. I'm sure that in at least one point of time in their life, every prospective Opposition party member has carefully weighed the pros and cons of venturing into the political arena, and decided Yes, it matters enough to me. Yet, if you ask me to name one Opposition figure that I dislike, it definitely would be Mr Chee, the current Secretary General of SDP.

But I mean, seriously. Wassup with you, Mr Chee Suan Joon? Ok I understand you were fired from your professorial chair in NUS. I maybe can emphatise with your enmity against the PAP. But why do you insist on continuing all these antics that you do year in year out?

Hunger strike? Mmm... okay. Heckling (former) PM Goh a few years back? Uh, whatever you think of Mr Goh, at the very least give some respect to your own Prime Minister right? And now, once again, xiao-eh Chee writes inflammatry remarks in the SDP party paper and releases illegal podcasts. Once again, SDP as a party is in trouble because of Mr Chee's actions.

If you really want to serve the people of your country as a politician, for crying out loud stop all these nonsense lah! You know the government is gonna go through your newspaper with a fine comb, then don't write anything too rash! If the government makes podcasts illegal, then why do you still insist on releasing them? Machiam like it will cause a mad circulation of your message like that.

Not only you kicked poor Mr Chiam See Tong out of his Party, you're pulling down your party in flames. And, the worse crime of all, in my opinion, is that you're bringing down your other party members with you..

Like what Phua Chu Kang would say.. Use your blian, use your blian, use your blian lah! Being opposition is tough enough, why heap burning coals onto your own head, willfully? The WP and the SDA seem to be getting their act together, and I'm sure they'll get at least a decent amount of votes.

But for the SDP? Seriously, even if I had the vote, I wouldn't vote for you or your party.


Anonymous said...

Heard some guy said that he was a mole for the main party.

Flince said...

If he's a mole, he's a very conspicuous mole.. more like a.. terrorist or something.. haha

q. said...
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Flince said...

Ridiculous, yes. Specifically tailored to hem down the Opposition, yes.

But does that give Chee the right to blatantly do something so stupid as to flout the law, when smarter Opposition parties just suck it up and just continue the main job of winning the hearts and the minds of people? No???

Um. Your Coraline is still with me. I must find it and give it back to you someday -_-

q. said...
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